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Journal publications

Héctor Martínez and Seppo Laukkanen, 2015, “Towards an augmented reality guiding system for assisted indoor remote vehicle navigation”, EAI Endorsed Transactions on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems, 15(2), e3, DOI: 10.4108/inis.2.2.e3

Héctor Martínez and Seppo Laukkanen, 2014, "An Augmented Reality Platform inside PURESAFE project", SBC Journal on Interactive Systems, vol. 5, no. 1.

Héctor Martínez, Thomas Fabry, Seppo Laukkanen, Jouni Mattila and Laurent Tabourot, 2014, “Augmented Reality Aiding Collimator Exchange at the LHC”, NIMA (Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment), vol. 763, pp. 354–363, DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2014.06.037

Héctor Martínez, Danai Skournetou, Jenni Hyppölä, Seppo Laukkanen and Antti Heikkilä, 2014, “Drivers and Bottlenecks in the Adoption of Augmented Reality Applications”, Journal on Multimedia Theory and Applications, 1(1), DOI: 10.11159/jmta.2014.004

Héctor Martínez, Seppo Laukkanen and Jouni Mattila, 2014, “A New Flexible Augmented Reality Platform for Development of Maintenance and Educational Applications”, International Journal of Virtual Worlds and Human Computer Interaction, 2(1), DOI: 10.11159/vwhci.2014.003

Héctor Martínez, Seppo Laukkanen and Jouni Mattila, 2013, “A New Hybrid Approach for Augmented Reality Maintenance in Scientific Facilities”, International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 10(321), DOI: 10.5772/56845.

Jukka Rönkkö, Jussi Markkanen, Raimo Launonen, Marinella Ferrino, Enrico Gaia, Valter Basso, Harshada Patel, Mirabelle D’Cruz and Seppo Laukkanen, 2006, “Multimodal Astronaut Virtual Training Prototype”, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 03/2006, DOI:10.1016/j.ijhcs.2005.08.004.

Book chapters

Héctor Martínez, "Designing for Augmented Reality", openSE (an open, lean and participative approach to systems engineering). (in press)

Héctor Martínez and Seppo Laukkanen, 2014, “STEDUS, a New Educational Platform for Augmented Reality Applications”, At the Edge of the Rift, ISBN: 978-1-84888-321-5.

Conferences and invited speaker

Héctor Martínez, 2015, "Realidad Aumentada como soporte al mantenimiento de instalaciones científicas", Invited Speech at TECSMEDIA 4ed, Zaragoza, Spain.

Héctor Martínez, 2015, “Augmented Reality Platform for Advanced Maintenance in Scientific Facilities”, PURESAFE Final Conference at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland.

Héctor Martínez and Seppo Laukkanen, 2015, “Augmented Reality-based maintenance tool for hazardous places”, PURESAFE Final Conference at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland.

Seppo Laukkanen, 2014, “Experiences of private sector participants in Marie Curie Actions - Partnering in ITN project”, Invited talk at Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Bridging Business and Research, Helsinki, Finland.

Héctor Martínez and Seppo Laukkanen, 2014, “STEDUS, a New Educational Platform for Augmented Reality Applications”, 4th Global Conference on Experiential Learning in Virtual Worlds, Prague, Czech Republic.

Jenni Hyppölä, Héctor Martínez and Seppo Laukkanen, 2014, “Experiential Learning Theory and Virtual and Augmented Reality Applications”, 4th Global Conference on Experiential Learning in Virtual Worlds, Prague, Czech Republic.

Héctor Martínez, Seppo Laukkanen and Jouni Mattila, 2012, “Augmented Reality System for Advanced Maintenance in Large Scientific Facilities”, 1st International Workshop on Telerobotics and Systems Engineering for Scientific Facilities, Madrid, Spain.

"Esimerkkejä virtualisoinnin hyödyntämismahdollisuuksista", Vihreä ICT, Lahti Finland, 2011

Seppo Laukkanen, 2009, Invited speaker at infoday called "Rahastamisvõimalused Euroopa Liidu toel" at Tallinn and Tarto, Estonia, with title "Experiences, advices and comparing of EU-funded projects"

Seppo Laukkanen, 2009, Invited speaker at Research Connection 2009, Praque, Czech

Seppo Laukkanen, 2008, Invited speaker at Augmented Reality panel in the Emerging Technologies for Defense Applications organized by the Department of Defense (DoD) of the United States, Pentagon City, USA.

Seppo Laukkanen, Ilkka Karanta, Ville Kotovirta, Jussi Markkanen and Jukka Rönkkö, 2004, “Adding Intelligence to Virtual Reality”, Invited talk at 16th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, ECAI'2004, Valencia, Spain.

Jukka Rönkkö, Raimo Launonen, Seppo Laukkanen and Enrico Gaia, 2003, “Multimodal Interaction Techniques for Astronaut Training in Virtual Environments", 2nd International Conference on Universal Access in Human–Computer Interaction, Crete, Greece.

Susamma Virtanen, Riitta Smeds, Matti Gröhn, Janne Ikäheimonen, Janne Jalkanen, Hanna Kervinen and Seppo Laukkanen, 1998, “From Manual to Multimedia: Development of an Enterprise Game”, IFIP TC5/WG5. 7 Fourth International Workshop of the Special Interest Group on Integrated Production Management Systems and the European Group of University Teachers for Industrial Management EHTB: Games in Operations Management, Ghent, Belgium.

Academic Theses

Problems Analysis and Solutions for the Establishment of Augmented Reality Technology in Maintenance and Education”, Doctoral dissertation by Héctor Martínez Landa, about augmented reality based maintenance and training, during Héctor's work with SenseTrix, 2015

Building a Virtual Reality Interaction System Using Game Tools”, Licentiate's thesis by Jukka Rönkkö, related to multiple projects made together while Jukka was working within VTT, 2007.

"Design and Implementation of Distributed Virtual Reality System", Master's thesis by Jussi Markkanen, related to multiple projects made together while Jukka was working within VTT, 2003.

"Automatization and optimization of importing objects from Catia to virtual reality", Bachelor's thesis by Tomi Hugg made for SenseTrix, 2003

"Virtual Factory", Bachelor's thesis by Seppo Laukkanen founder of SenseTrix prior the foundation but within the areas of interest of SenseTrix (virtual reality), 1999


When reality is not enough”, presentation given by Seppo Laukkanen at ESO facilities, Garching, Germany, 2007.

When reality is not enough”, presentation given by Seppo Laukkanen at Eumetsat facilities, Garching, Germany, 2007.

When reality is not enough”, presentation given by Seppo Laukkanen at SGS facilities, Helsinki, Finland, 2007.

When reality is not enough”, presentation given by Seppo Laukkanen at CERN for MS-3528/DSU: Permanent exhibition for the Globe of Science and innovation, Geneva, Switcherland, 2007.

When reality is not enough”, presentation given by Seppo Laukkanen at ITER Business Forum, Nice, France, 2007.

"Lumetodellisuuden hyödyntäminen ja sen edut", presentation by Seppo Laukkanen at Ideaa Esityksiin -day, Aronet facilities, Vantaa, Finland 2005

When reality is not enough”, presentation given by Seppo Laukkanen at Software Industry Summit, Finland, 2004.

Virtual- and augmented reality benefits for large scientific facilities”, presentation given by Seppo Laukkanen at CERN, Geneva, Switcherland, 2004.

Seminars and exhibitions

Augmented Reality”, seminar given by SenseTrix within PURESAFE training event, GSI, Darmstadt, Germany, 25th September 2013.

Enhancing Maintenance by Means of Augmented Reality”, seminar given by SenseTrix, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 21st November 2012.

SenseTrix at Finnish association and FinnFusion stand in the ITER Business Forum, Nice, France, December 10-12, 2007.

SenseTrix at Nihon Binary stand in the 13th Industrial VR Expo and Conference (IVR), Tokyo, Japan, June 22-24, 2005.